It’s North Texas Giving Day!
Friends of The SoPac Trail,
It’s HERE! Tomorrow, Friends of the SoPac Trail is participating in Communities Foundation of Texas' NTX Giving Day, and we could not be more excited! We are raising funds to support our mission of bringing people closer to nature, improving the trail, and making the experience a breath of fresh air for walkers, runners, and cyclists. We are all in!
Early giving has generated over 20% of our goal of raising $10,000…GIVE TODAY to help us close the gap.
We’ve got an ambitious list of projects that will enhance the trail but can get things done on a small budget.
Your NTX Giving Day gift will aid our work and make possible:
Adding location signs to trail underpasses - $2,700
Continuing graffiti paint-overs - $500
Adding irrigation and planting 7 trees - $2,400
Adding additional respite areas -$1800
Tending the Pollinator Garden, including fertilizer, topsoil, and mulch - $1000
Hosting our 3rd Annual Neighborhood Garden Party - $1000
Business operations (website, email) - $600
We are proud of what we have accomplished together. You can count on us for the sweat equity. Can we count on you for financial support?
You can make your gift by clicking the button below. Be sure to share your care. #NTXShareYourCare
Thanks for your support of Friends of the SoPac Trail and for being a part of the NTX Giving Day movement!
Felix Saucedo
Chairman, Friends of the SoPac Trail Steering Committee