Autumn Update🍁
Friends of the SoPac Trail,
The fall season has been full of exciting advancements along the trail, such as tree plantings, NTX Giving Day, the SoPac Trail extension, and the grand opening of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail. It's a great time to be a part of our Friends Group.
JOIN US….it’s tree planting time and we’d love your help!
On Saturday, November 4th at 8:30 AM will we be planting 3 new trees near the SoPac Trail Respite Area. Friends of the SoPac Trail applied to the City of Dallas Reforestation Program, which encourages the growth of the urban forest by supplying trees and guidance to the citizen groups in Dallas. Through this program, trees were donated, and Friends of the SoPac trail issued funds to extend irrigation. Click HERE to learn more.
We were honored this year to participate in Communities Foundation of Texas’ NTX Giving Day, which gives us a chance to introduce our organization to a new audience and raise funds to fuel our mission. NTX Giving Day brings us one step closer to reaching our overall fundraising goal for the year! A huge thank you to the people who donated; we raised $1,375. The money raised will help us with operations and support for future projects such as trail signage heading into 2024.
The SoPac Trail connection is growing both north and south of us! On Thursday, October 5th, the City of Dallas Park and Recreation Board approved design funding for the SoPac Trail extension. The extension will complete the connection between the SoPac Trail, White Rock Creek Trail, Northaven Trail, and Cottonwood Creek Trail. A professional services contract with Huitt-Zollars, Inc. for design development, construction documents, environment service, and construction administration for the SoPac Trail Improvements Project for an extension of the trail within the abandoned railroad right-of-way from Greenville Avenue to Meadow Road to the Northaven trail was issued. We anticipate completion of the project in late 2025 to early 2026!
Last Saturday, October 21st, the City of Dallas Park and Recreation hosted a ribbon cutting to welcome the first portion of the Trinity Forest Spine Trail. This trail is part of The LOOP Dallas’ work to connect the city with a 50-mile pedestrian path for bikes, walks, runs, and more. To access the new trail…head north on the SoPac Trail → Santa Fe Trail → Trinity Forest Spine Trail.
With fall in the air, we can't wait to see the Trinity Forest Spine Trail shine with an array of autumn colors in the coming days! We appreciate your continued support of Friends of the SoPac Trail and look forward to sharing the trail's beauty with you.
Felix Saucedo
Chairman, Friends of The SoPac Trail Steering Committee